I Will Give You a FREE Comedy-Magic Show in Your Living Room!

Summer is my favorite season, but it's also the slowest for me when it comes to booking shows.

As a result, I decided to try an experiment this year.  If it goes well, I plan on making it an annual promotion.

My goal is to perform a show every day in July.  That's 31 shows in 31 days in 31 different venues!

Not only that, I'm offering these shows with no up-front cost to you.  This will be a donation-based comedy-magic show.

I'm looking for people who would like to host these performances in their homes (or other suitable location).

Zach Waldman at Magic Castle - 2019

Here's the Criteria for Being a Host:

  • I'm limiting this offer to all cities as far south as San Diego and as far north as Santa Barbara.
  • The show has to be performed indoors.
  • There must be a minimum of 20 guests.  If you're worried about getting that many people to attend, one option is to co-host the show with a friend who can also invite people.
  • The show cannot be a part of another event, such as a birthday party.  If you're having an event, please contact me about a standard, fee-based show.  For a donation-based show like this to work, the show itself must be the event, with nothing else going on.
  • Adults only please.  Because this is a comedy-magic show, there may be material unsuitable for children.  Also, this is sophisticated sleight-of-hand magic that adults love, but won't appeal to little kids.
  • The audience must be seated as a group, directly in front of where I'll be performing.  Obviously, before and after the show, people can be anywhere they want to be, but for the actual performance, everyone needs to be together and focused on the entertainment.
  • I will provide you with some language that I'll need you to include in your invitations to people.  It will say something like, "This will be a donation-based comedy-magic show.  Please come prepared to make a donation to the performer at the conclusion of the show."
  • As a host, if you're uncomfortable asking your guests for donations, we can discuss an up-front guarantee for the show.

Want to Be a Host?  Fill Out the Form Below

The following dates have already been claimed:

July 17th

Do you want to host a donation-based show as described above, or do you want information about paying an up-front guarantee instead?
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