July 18, 2023

Magic Movies - The Prestige

The Best Magic Movies According

To A Professional Magician

Magic Movies!

It's after three in the morning, and I got this idea to write a post about my favorite movies about magic.  As a result, I'm going to start it now, and add to it from time to time.  If you're often in the mood for a movie with a magic theme, bookmark this page so you can come back and see what else I decide to include.

For now, I'm just going to list a handful of magic movies.  In the future, I'll go into more detail as to why I chose the movies I did.

Upfront, let me say that this list is not going to include fantasy-type magic movies like The Lord of The Rings or Harry Potter.  Those movies are awesome, but the magic movies I'm recommending here are about real magicians.  I know, that's an oxymoron.  Also, some of these movies definitely take liberties that blur the lines of what a working magician can do in the real world versus what they show on film.  

Lastly, I used The Prestige as the featured image for this post because it's the best movie about magic.  Go watch it if you've never seen it!

Magic movies - The Illusionist

Ed Norton is an awesome actor, and he was super-cool with me and my friends.  I was with a few comedians at The Improv on Melrose.  We were done performing and went out to celebrate one of their birthdays at The Surly Goat

Ed Norton saw us partying and bought us all shots, and had one with us. Cool dude!

I love The Illusionist and need to watch it again.  Go, check it out!

Magic movies - The Great Buck Howard

I was just telling a friend of mine about The Great Buck Howard.  You know you can't go wrong with a cast like this one. I don't think Tom Hanks has ever been in a bad movie.

Magic movies - Nightmare Alley

Nightmare Alley is really good!  Some magicians were annoyed by it because the secret of a mind-reading routine is exposed.  However, there are many ways to accomplish the effect, and I doubt most people will remember.

Magic movies - Dealt

I know Richard Turner a bit, and Dealt is a documentary about him.  He performs at The Magic Castle, and we've chatted.  He's extraordinarily nice, and one of the best card mechanics around.  Unlike the other movies I've listed, Richard can do everything you see in this film.

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Zach Waldman is an internationally renowned stand-up comedian and magician who specializes in providing customized entertainment for exclusive private parties and corporate events.

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