Entertainment for Wedding Reception

How to Ensure You Have Chosen the Right Entertainment For Your Wedding Reception

Just why is Wedding celebration Entertainment Vital?

A wedding or civil partnership is among the most amazing occasions in two people’s entire lives and a whole day of jubilation shared along with friends and family.

The wedding reception entertainment you decide on assists to establish and preserve the air of jubilation, transforming the whole day into a genuinely extraordinary party. Entertainment at a wedding reception or civil union has countless practicable uses too, like giving structure to the whole day and starting a conversation among wedding guests.

A Magician as a Wedding reception Entertainer

Magic is the most ideal type of entertainment for a wedding celebration since it is extremely versatile, adaptable and well-suited for a mixed family audience. People, young and old, get a charge out of magic and a professional wedding and reception magician will have the ability to perform for all ages.


In spite of being more popular than ever, a great deal of people have only ever seen magic on the television. Experiencing magic performed ‘in person’ is quite a surprise for many people and will definitely make your wedding and reception day all the more extraordinary.

Close-Up Magic for Weddings

It also provides a terrific talking point, even for those people not directly included in the magic at a particular moment. While the magician is fascinating one group of people, everybody else is wondering about the noises of surprise and laughter coming from across the room. And those people who have previously seen the prestidigitator are talking about what they have just experienced and attempting to work out ‘just how did he do that?!’.

Close-up magic and illusion is absolutely the most flexible type of magical entertainment. A close-up magician will not need any sort of specific equipment or facilities like electrical power or a public address system and will commonly carry almost all his or her props in their pockets. Additionally, it only takes a couple of minutes for a professional magician to get prepared prior to they begin entertaining.

Close-up magic can easily fit within any part of the big day. There certainly may be moments at weddings and civil union celebrations when very little is taking place, specifically for the guests. Close-up magic can fill these down-times and transform them in to a high point. As an example:.

  • When friends and families are showing up at the wedding reception or hanging around in the wedding reception line.
  • While the bridal party are being photographed.
  • While friends and families are waiting on the meal to begin.
  • In between the courses of the meal (most notably if there are a considerable amount of attendees to accommodate for).
  • While attendees are waiting on the buffet.
  • Between the day time and night-time functions.

A skilled professional close-up magician will definitely not be too invasive and will definitely complement your wedding day without taking away from it or taking it over.


In contrast various of the things that require planning for a wedding and reception, the close-up magician is very easy – tell him the date and time, and leave him to it!

A close-up wedding and reception magician will socialize with wedding guests, either seated at dining tables or standing up in small crowds, and spend a couple of moments with every group delighting them with fantastic magic. It is an awesome way to start the ball rolling among people who have never met before due to the fact that they come together whilst getting a kick out of the entertainment.

Cabaret Magic for Weddings

The majority of modern-day magicians combine a great deal of comedy and audience involvement into their magic, which is precisely what truly makes a cabaret performance exciting and makes magic stand apart from many other forms of entertainment. A professional wedding magician will most likely frequently wish to get the newly-wed husband and wife included during the course of the show but will definitely check that this is OK ahead of time. A highly qualified magician will be sensitive to your desires and will definitely not want to offend you.

If you would like some genuinely special and awesome entertainment, a cabaret magic show is an exceptional choice. A cabaret magic show generally fits in most effectively immediately after the wedding day breakfast and is a truly effective way to commence the night-time celebration.


As opposed to close-up magic, a cabaret magician typically needs some added resources and time to prepare their act. With respect to bigger audiences, a cabaret show requires a stage and sound system, which should certainly be provided by most wedding venues. Some magicians can perform a very special show for a smaller number of guests, perhaps up to 20, which doesn’t need a stage or audio equipment. This kind of show can easily be performed in one room with the audience sitting around the magician.

A cabaret show is a structured magic act lasting anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour and can merge everything from visual magic (objects appearing, disappearing and changing) to mental and psychological magic (mind control and mind reading) depending upon the wedding reception entertainer you hire.

Hiring the Most ideal Wedding and Reception Entertainer

The style and unique character of the entertainer you select should certainly suit in with your desires for your wedding – nevertheless, you are planning for one of the most amazing and magical days of your entire life.

There certainly are a large number of difficulties when putting together a one-off celebration like a wedding, particularly if you are not really used to setting up big parties. Hiring an experienced highly qualified magician will make things much simpler. Here are a couple of pointers:.

  • Make certain the magician comes with lots of practical experience as a wedding and reception entertainer by looking over their recent clients and engagements. Most ought to have the ability to present endorsement or recommendation letters.
  • It is vital that the magician has public liability insurance coverage since they will be directly interreacting with your wedding guests.
  • Check that the rate you work out is completely inclusive and that there are zero hidden extras like VAT or travelling costs.
  • Ensure you secure a written agreement or confirmation letter. A written agreement provides protection to you and ensures that both you and the wedding performer are crystal clear about the function.

Eminently important, assure you are comfortable with the magician by speaking with him or her ahead of time. An experienced wizard will certainly gladly furnish comprehensive insight as they are almost definitely to have been to a lot more wedding events in comparison to you!