April 22, 2024

Patrick Beverley, Mandana Bolourchi, and magician Zach Waldman

The Magic Castle has three main theaters which are the Close-Up Gallery, The Parlor of Prestidigitation, and the Palace of Mystery.  You can think of them as small, medium, and large theaters.  Of the three, the Close-Up Gallery is the most popular.

People love close-up magic because it's performed with normal things like playing cards and coins.  When spectators see magic on stage, they often have a feeling that if they could get their hands on the props, they'd know the secrets.

Also, close-up magic happens inches from their eyes, and sometimes, in their own hands!  When I speak to audience members after shows, one of the things they often say is that they like sleight-of-hand magic the most because of the skill involved.

The truth is, all forms of magic require a tremendous amount of skill gained through a lifetime of practice.

I perform all three types of magic (close-up, parlor, and stage).  There's one other thing about close-up magic that makes it unique.  It's very intimate.  You can perform it for just one person, or several people gathered around a table, which is what I just got the chance to do.

Professional basketball player Patrick Beverley recently hired me for his girlfriend Mandana Bolourchi's birthday party at Chateau Marmont.  They wanted me to have dinner with them, and sprinkle in some magic when appropriate.

Many of my clients utilize my skills this way.  Guests often ask me questions about being a professional comedian and magician, and throughout the evening, I entertain everyone at the table with close-up magic.

Usually, when I get hired for dinner magic, there's around eight people sitting at the table.  This time, there were 30 people at one very long and narrow table.  It still worked out great!

I was sitting at one end of the table and started out by entertaining the guests around me.  Between courses, I got up and worked the table in sections until I got to the other end.  Next, I kept working the opposite side of the table until I ended up back at my own seat.

It was a great evening and all of the guests were really nice and interesting people.  I had some wonderful conversations, enjoyed entertaining everyone, and the food and service at Chateau Marmont was excellent.  I hadn't been there in years, and was really happy to spend some time visiting.  It's a Hollywood landmark and definitely a place you should check out if you're visiting Los Angeles.

Of course, if you'd like to have a magical dinner, give me a call at 310-935-3684 or fill out my booking form.  Once I know the details, I can email a proposal to you.

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Zach Waldman is an internationally renowned stand-up comedian and magician who specializes in providing customized entertainment for exclusive private parties and corporate events.

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